
Chalice and communion host box on the grass near a blanket.At St. Paul’s, we celebrate a rich and joyful sacramental life.  Sacraments are special occasions of grace in which the mystery of God’s love for us and for all people is made visible in our worship.  They gather and shape us as a community of faith seeking God’s blessing, and they bring comfort, tradition, and prayer into some of the most important moments of our lives.   

The Episcopal tradition offers two main sacraments: Eucharist (or Holy Communion) and Baptism.  We also offer other sacramental acts as well, including Confirmation and Reception, Christian Marriage, Anointing for Healing, the Rite of Reconciliation and Burial of the Dead.   We invite all God’s children into the sacramental life of our church, and offer appropriate preparation and teaching.

If you would like to learn more about sacraments at St. Paul’s, or are interested in baptism, marriage or burial for yourself or a family member, please contact our clergy who would be happy to speak with you.