Parish Administrator Job Posting

Parish Administrator Job Description

The Parish Administrator works 16 hours per week (less in the summer) and reports to the Rector. The Parish Administrator takes initial staff responsibility for the electronic communication, (non-financial) record keeping, building use, scheduling, and print communication aspects of parish life. The position is paid on an hourly basis, with the rate set by the Vestry and reviewed on an annual basis. The expectation is for the Parish Administrator to be compensated for about 750 hours of work per year.

Please send resume and cover letter to Download a hard copy of this job description. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, with a deadline of October 18.

The primary responsibilities of the Parish Administrator are summarized below.

Greeting Visitors and Staffing the Office: The Administrator greets and welcomes visitors with hospitality, provides a warm first impression of St. Paul’s, and staffs the parish office when it is open.

Phone coverage: The Administrator answers incoming phone calls, taking messages and relaying them to the Rector and lay leadership as appropriate in a timely way.

Mail: The Administrator sorts and opens incoming mail, purchases stamps, and visits the post office, as needed. S/he also plans for and generates occasional parish mailings.

Petty Cash: The Administrator controls and tracks a small petty cash account, ensuring that we have money on hand. S/he reports balances and cash flow to the Treasurer.

Parish Database: The Administrator manages the church’s cloud-based database/communications software (Realm). S/he coordinates all parishioners’ use of Realm and arranges for training/support for ministry leaders and other Realm admins as needed. The Administrator also tracks newcomers’ and visitors’ contact information, and produces mailing labels, new directories, and other reports as needed.

Monthly Newsletter: The Administrator is the editor of the Epistle, our monthly parish newsletter (not produced in July/August). The Administrator gathers and tracks all articles and schedules to be added to the newsletter each month, and is responsible for creating and formatting the newsletter and the service calendar. Once finalized, the Administrator creates physical copies for mailing to some households, provides for it to be posted online, and emails it to the whole parish.

Scheduling of Altar Servers: The Administrator is responsible for producing and overseeing the Sunday altar server schedule and assisting in the recording of changes and substitutes.

Weekly Bulletin/Church set up: The Administrator is responsible for creating the weekly parish bulletin drafts for staff meeting. This includes inputting the music provided by the Music Minister, liturgical information from clergy, and keeping track of the prayer list and the servers for that week, along with any dates to save, announcements, or inserts. Once the final copy is approved, the Administrator produces the leaflets for Sunday (including large print version) and sets up email distribution. The Administrator also sets up the church for Sunday morning (on Friday) and marks the worship books.

Special Leaflets: The Administrator prepares special leaflets for funerals, Holy Week, Easter, and Christmas services, and at other times, as needed.

Weekly e-mail: The Administrator receives notices that are sent to the office and prepares a draft of the weekly announcement e-mail to the parish. Once the Rector edits and adds to it, the Administrator is responsible for sending the final form out via MailChimp to the parish.

Supplies and office equipment upkeep: The Administrator orders office supplies and stationery, and makes sure we have what we need to keep the office running. The Administrator also is responsible for maintaining office equipment and monitoring routine and special maintenance and service requests.

Annual Report: The Administrator produces and distributes the annual report every January from submissions provided by each ministry leader.

Flowers: The Administrator coordinates the sign-ups for flower sponsorship each Sunday, and helps put special flower inserts together for Easter and Christmas, communicating with the florist as needed.

Parish online calendar, Zooms, Sign Ups: The Administrator maintains the online parish calendar (Google), manages our Zoom accounts, and creates online sign up forms as requested (Sign Up Genius).

Name Tags: The Administrator produces name tags for parishioners as needed.

Newcomer Packets: The Administrator ensures there are always newcomer packets available on the table in the Narthex, and ensures the Newcomer Guide is updated annually by the Rector.

Prayer List: The Administrator regularly updates the parish prayer list, communicating new additions to the Rector.

Weekly Staff Meeting: The Administrator attends the weekly staff meeting.

Keys: The Administrator maintains a record of all building key holders and arranges building access for renters.

Renters: The Administrator provides initial phone or in-person screening of potential renters and communicates with them on an ongoing basis regarding their use of the building. The Administrator receives rental payments and passes them along to the Treasurer.

Parish Register: The Administrator updates and maintains the parish register to record all baptisms, funerals, confirmations, weddings, etc., as directed by the Rector.

CORI processing: Under the Rector’s supervision, the Administrator processes CORI forms for parish volunteers using the Commonwealth’s web interface.

Outside Vendor Facilitation: The Administrator communicates with and facilitates access during office hours for vendors providing maintenance services to the building, as directed by the Rector.

Misc. Administrative projects: The Administrator takes on any miscellaneous jobs that come in such as mailings, copying, creating inserts, posting to bulletin boards, etc. as assigned by the Rector.